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Shapes #2 --->

Project: Learning to use tools to combine and alter shapes to create a more detailed picture

Ideas: Organized the shapes to make smaller scenes and made it look like they were being drawn on an iPad. Added a window and bird in the back. Made of cup of coffee sitting on the table.

<--- Shapes #1

Project: Learning to use simple shapes to create a picture

Ideas: Used a pastel color palette for the background. Added clouds, stars, and flowers. Added a strawberry on top of the house. Made a snowman holding an ice cream cone.


Project: Using the pencil tool to trace the outline of your portrait to create a silhouette

Ideas: Made the hair more detailed by tracing loose strands. Added my name using a cursive font.

Multiple Silhouettes

Project: Using the pen tool and having three silhouettes of yourself advertising a product

Ideas: Advertising rollerblades and incorporating the brand name. Rollerblades by itself in the foreground. Pathway leading from background to middle ground. I am sitting on the pathway in the background, and I am rollerblading in the middle ground. Using
a gradient of purple and pink colors.
nguyen.e.5-04 (3).jpg

Color Harmonies

Project: Creating 12 mandala patterns using different color harmonies and incorporating strong negative and positive space

Ideas: Used negative space to create an inner flower of some mandalas. Color-coded the border of all mandalas by their color harmonies. Made a decorative title matching with the pale pink background.

Self Portraits

Project: Creating a Shepard Fairey style portrait with a portrait of yourself and a prop/item or gesture that describes you

Ideas: Pose is looking at a notebook. Used notebook, pencil, and potted flower as props. Had a calm and focused expression, looking downward. Complementary purple and yellow color harmony with personal mandala as the background.


Paula Scher

Project: Creating a silhouette of yourself doing an activity that you love and adding 20 words that describes you as a person 

Ideas: Pose is drawing in a sketchbook. Color harmony is monochromatic purple. Used different fonts and arrangements to portray the varying adjectives.

4 Rules of Typography

Project: Using the rules of typography (left/right aligned, centered, fit a shape, and staggered) to emphasize different quotes

Ideas: Emphasized key words in the quotes by adding color harmonies and choosing fonts that matched the meaning of the word.
Font Typography (2).jpg
Victorian Quote Final.jpg

Victorian Quotes

Project: Creating quote posters, utilizing rules of typography, and Victorian Ads as evidence and inspiration for different Victorian fonts, elements, and color harmony

Ideas: Chose a song lyric by Taylor Swift. Used drop shadows, strokes, and arcs to emphasize more important words. Added Victorian elements, such as decorative banners, swirls, ribbons, and other small details. Had a blue and yellow gradient as the background.

What Decade?

Project: Creating a quote poster using a quote from a popular song lyric or movie from a specific decade

Ideas: Went with the 1970's. Chose a quote by Steven Wright. Used popular colors of the decade (avocado, burnt orange, harvest gold, teal and corrair) and common geometric shapes. 
1970s (1).jpg
Final Logos.jpg


Project: Creating a creative logo for a client's company and presenting it to them in person

Ideas: Nutrition Counseling is the company name. Designed logos representing nutrition and health. Included the MyPlate portions, fruits, and growing flower.


Project: Creating a monogram with the first initials of our names and incorporating negative and positive space

Ideas: Initials are EN. Top monogram is a cat and the bottom monogram is a butterfly. Used script for my full name. Pink = calm, love, and sensitivity. Purple = harmony and creativity.
Monogram Final.jpg
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